Bujonde Secondary School renovates 3 buildings and turns 2 of them into dormitories for girls

Bujonde secondary school is one of the smaller secondary schools with some 442 pupils. They were short of some 300 desks, for which we helped them with 200 sets.  The other 100 came from the government.

The school has too many classrooms and we suggested to turn 2 buildings with each 2 classrooms into much needed dormitories for girls. We will provide beds and matrasses.  In the future we hope we can build real dormitories with showers and toilets, but for the time being this is what we can do. We absolutely have to give our girls a protective environment so they can complete their studies without becoming pregnant or forced into an early marriage.

So today, we are celebrating the completion of those works.  On top of that, we completed the renovation of another building with 3 more classrooms.  It was a nice ceremony and at the end they gave me a beautiful goat.  A nice gesture!

Fons Maex